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AI bot Microsoft Teams integration for employee support

Seamless Microsoft Teams integration for effortless AI-powered employee support! Gaspar AI is built from the ground up to work in MS Teams, making it smooth and easy for employees to solve their problems in seconds. They simply have a conversation with our always-accessible Generative AI chatbot, Gaspar.

It is trained on advanced LLMs and uses natural language processing to understand user intent and context. It solves employee issues in seconds, thus dramatically reducing your ticket volume and manual work.

AI bot MS Teams integration for instant employee support with no human involvement

Make it easy for everyone to access the channels, email lists, folders, calendars and groups they need but not the ones they don't. The process happens on Microsoft Teams for both the requester and the approver. All the information is available right within the chat platform such as the requester of the approval and status of the request, and users can track them anytime.
Tickets are created automatically on Microsoft Teams. In case the problem is not auto-resolved by Gaspar, it creates a relevant ticket which is synced with the company's service management platform.